Below is a brief description on how to use the site.

Searching Content

There are two search boxes.

  • There is a search box at the top right of the screen on the top bar which allows you to search for content anywhere in the site.

  • When you are in a particular space, there is another search box at the top left in the Left Hand pane which allows you to search for content in the space you are in but only within the tree hierarchy you are in. For more detail see Searching Content

Profile Detail

Each user of the site has a user profile. You can if you wish update your profile as long as it is in compliance with the VME Documentation Acceptable Use Statement.

Please note that your profile details can be visible to other users within the system, though your email address will be hidden to other users.

Password Setting

You are recommended to set a strong password.

If you are an external user (i.e. Fujitsu Customer or third party user) see Password Management for external users for instructions on how to change or reset a forgotten password. If you can't access this page please contact

If you are a Fujitsu user see Password Management for Fujitsu users for instructions on how to change your password.


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